Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Hare Rama 

The gods are satisfied with themselves with the truth of their oneness with God,
All beings other than men mostly remain gratified with their needs of essentials,
But the men in the subjugation of extra play in sports of Maya lost in wildness of the self and look to be back at home and the Path is Shiva, 

No extra effort just to remind self of the truth of the self to discard the delusion of Maya, 
Remind self of its pristine routes in Shiva, realize self in truth with Shiva and find themselves same as that of Shiva hence a smile to regain self with approach through universal verse Shivoham

There is only one Shiva unparallel and unique in himself and all belongs to him, realize this bare fact to reach, Shivoham Shivoham Kevalama 

शिवोहम् शिवोहम्

The life of a man is more than chaos midst of self-identification with senses and referral truth, superimposition of righteousness, falsehood, morality, rights, duties, and prejudices, intellect and mind puzzle further adds to the chaos, just and unjust mislead at large, inmost recess and outmost dwellings create a complex for self, being the capacity and source of capacity fluctuate in auto mode to differentiate the subjects,  perceptible skill of self get diluted and suffering head rise above the horizon to create a difference in between life and the spirit, and it needs a fair address to address self in truth with self, 
To make an easy escape from the sufferings of worldly scenarios, man has to realize self in the context of supreme Reality none other Than Shiva, 

Man needs to ensure self unto the truth of being the same as that of Shiva,

Man needs convenience self unto the truth of Shivoham,

Man needs to update himself with the truth of human philosophy unto spirit and matter, 

Man needs to relate to self as_
स्वयं को सम्बोदित करे 

निरोगोस्मि -  में निरोग हू 
स्वास्थोास्मि - में स्वस्थ हू 
युवतमोस्मि  - में युवतम हू 
बलिष्ठोस्मि - में बलिष्ठ हू 
ऋषिकेशोस्मि में जितेंद्रिये हू 
गुडकेसोस्मि में निद्राजित हू 
ब्रह्मचर्यास्मि में ब्रह्चारी हूँ 
अग्निर अस्मि में अग्नि हूँ 
सूर्योस्मि में सूर्य हूँ 
निर्वाकारस्मि में निर्विकार हूँ 
शुद्धोअस्मि में शुद्ध  हूँ 
मुक्तोस्मि में मुक्त हूँ 
दर्शानीअस्मि में दर्शनीय हूँ 
सुंदेरोस्मि में सूंदर हूँ 
सोमोस्मि में चन्द्रमा  हूँ 
आनंदमयोस्मि में आनंदमय हूँ 
शिवोहम्  में शिव हूँ 

जो भी शिवमय है वह अमृतमय की और अग्रसर है 
जो भी मत्युमय है वह सब परिवर्तनीय गति को प्राप्त है 

शिव साक्षात् परम अमृत है 
शिव शरणगत अमृत की और बढ़  रहा है 
जो शिवमय है वह अमृत पान कर रहा है 
जो शिवमय है उसको दसो दिशाए प्रणाम कर रही है 
जो शिव विद्या धारक है उन पर सौभाग्य वृष्टि हो रही है 
जो शिवमय है वह मंगलमय हो रहे है 
जो शिव शरणागत है वह विजय अवलोकन कर रहे है 

शिव ही सत्य है 
शिव से ही सत्य का मान है 
शिव से ही सत्य की गरिमा है 

शिव से जी अमृत का मोल है 
शिव ही अमृत का परमं तत्व है 
शिव मृत्यु निवारक है 
शिव परिपूर्णता का परम सूचक है 
शिव में ही परिपूर्णता का पूर्ण वास है 
शिव में ही समस्त सिद्धियों का वास है 
शिव ही संकल्प के सूत्रधर है 
शिव ही संकल्पकारी है 
शिव ही संकल्प ही परिपूर्ण व्यख्या है 
शिव ही संकल्प का परिपूर्ण सत्य है 
समय की गति शिव के सत्य के गतिमान है 
जीवन का सत्य शिव के तप से प्रकाशमान है 
प्राण वायु व् प्राण सत्य शिव सत्य में ही निहित है 
मृत्यु शिव की दासी है 
शिव मृत्यु निवारक है 
मन ही मन में शिव की कल्पना 
कल्पना में शिव का सौन्दर्य 
सौन्दर्य में शिव का भाव 
भाव में शिव की दया सदैव वास करती है 
शिव दया से सभी विपदायें शांत होती है 
शिव दया से सभी चिंताओं का समाधान होता है 
सविनय प्राथना से शिव कृपा व् शिव दया प्राप्त होती है 
शिव शरणागति में समस्त बाधाये खंड खंड होती है 
शिव से सविनय आत्मनिये प्राथना मानव के कल्याण की रचना कर सकती है 
शिव सभी गोपनीय विद्याओ के स्वामी है 
शिव रहस्मय युक्तियों के सम्पूर्ण ईश्वर है 
शिव यज्ञ की परिपूर्ण सीमा है 
शिव सुगंदित पुष्टि के परम दाता  है 
शिव अनुष्ठान की गुप्त परिक्रिया है 

चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्


                    चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्

चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्

I am an Immortal soul same like that Shiva,

I am not the body but a reality like Shiva.
I am not the intellect nor knowledge, am Shiva,

I am not the eyes, mouth, or nostril, am Shiva,

I am apart from three, an Shiva,

I am apart from the five, am Shiva, 

I am the truth of the sky same as that of Shiva,

I am above the horizon of sex that of Shiva,

I am full of dispassion like Shiva,

I exist in this world as that of Shiva.

I Exist alone in truth with Shiva,

I am deathless same as Shiva,

I am absolute Brahma as Shiva,

I am in Shiva and Shiv is in Me,

I originated from Shiva and to merge in,

I am bliss personified, am Shiva,
चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्
I am not the mind, 
am Shiva
I am not the life force, 
am Shiva
I am not the sheath made of seven metals. 
am Shiva
I am not woven truth of 24, 
am Shiva
I am Conscious that of Shiva,

I am bliss to imbibe the truth of self that of Shiva 
चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्

Neither am sin nor virtue
am Shiva
Not in verse, not in Vedas, not in Yajna
am Shiva
Neither intake food, nor food for someone
Am Shiva
Not the cause of agony, nor bear it.
Am Shiva
चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्

Above greed and envy,
am Shiva
Above errors and mistakes,
am Shiva
Above ego and vanity,
am Shiva
Without a quest for four worldly fruits
am Shiva 
Chanting Shivoham could be a path to self
शिवोहम् is a verse, 
शिवोहम् is a chapter,
शिवोहम् is a comprehensive ancient literature,
शिवोहम् is not just a word but a truth, 
शिवोहम् is a mystic syllabus,
शिवोहम् invoking chapter to help self,
शिवोहम् is the secret of self, 
शिवोहम् meaningful and harmonious tool,
शिवोहम् a help gather lifeforce,
शिवोहम् is a spiritual dimension,
शिवोहम् is the embodiment of time and energy,
शिवोहम् is soul Rejuvenation spirit,
शिवोहम् is a self-evolution chapter,

चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम्
O all-merciful Lord, you are the creator of this universe with infinite pace to carry on with for a never-ending cycle.

O all-merciful Lord, no one is competent enough to reach the truth of supreme reality unto you.

O all-merciful Lord, among your creation unto this universe, the beauty of this planet is beyond measure; the beauty of this planet is nature and life belongs to it.

O all-merciful Lord, you alone are competent enough to know the cause behind this creation, indeed your mystic manifestation in the form of animate and inanimate objects is the truth of life and nature.

O, all-merciful Lord, you are the sole owner of spirit and matter, Maya is your delusive potency to interface with life and nature on the planet and elsewhere.

O all-merciful lord, you are the true originator of one and all, mother-father and trusted guardian of life.

O all-merciful lord, you are the embodiment of truth, peace, and love, and lover of justice.

O, all-merciful Lord, you are the contemplative one that unfathomable ocean of divine love and embodiment of knowledge and renunciation_unthinkable, marvelous and spontaneous,

O all-merciful lord, you are known for being a great giver that is in the true spirit, giver of form, giver of fate, giver of truth, giver of peace and bliss, and above all giver of emancipation.

O, all-merciful Lord, you are a giver of light and more than light it's knowledge and intellect that makes one reach home back after the journey of life.

O all-merciful lord, you have designed the journey of life based on the social cord to experience the feeling of self free from ego to felicitate separated spirit to remerge in ultimate truth.

O all-merciful lord, the journey of life that is based on the law of karma and your highness weigh the pitch of karma on the balance of truth and place it on the pitch of rotating time for the individual spirits that are subject to meet the fate of deeds one subjected to.

O all-merciful Lord, men trapped in delusive modes of Maya on the cord of karma, remains bare from the fact that celestial stream of divine love which is flowing along with uninterruptedly on the planet from your lotus feet to save the suppliant but rarely few make it to reach the bank of.

O all-merciful lord, you have designed four ages for varying purposes to facilitate life respectively but Kali age is a mine of blemishes that robes one of one’s true knowledge, and in lack of true interactive skill life suffers beyond measure.

O all-merciful lord, life is a composite mixture of joy and sorrow but agonies of the heart are far above both.

O, all-merciful lord, there are infinite chapters that make one suffer in life but suffering due to disease is one thing, and suffering from old age is another, suffering resulting from getting cheated is even more painful to the soul and the worst suffering starts when one chooses the path of true love, there is no suffering greater than that which one experience is longing for you, many sages and seers and other spiritual aspirants have stumbled on the path of love with you yet with a distant subject,

O all-merciful Lord, as you have awakened this consciousness of beings eternally yours, so too, O Lord, grant-out f compassion, that Bhakti which is of the nature of enjoying you and you alone,

O all Merciful lord, Please oblige life with a genuine smile and uninterrupted love that is unalloyed.

May the Lord bless all.

Thanks, please


                      शिवोहम् शिवोहम् शिवोहम्